Saturday, January 4, 2025

GOING THROUGH SOME PHOTOS I RECENTLY TOOK: here’s one of some cookies my oldest NYC daughter and her daughter made. 

Friday, January 3, 2025


SOME CALLER on C-SPAN yesterday called Trump ‘fraudulent’ in all his dealings. Amen.

SOMETIMES, a pint or a half-pint of blueberries will be a buck or three. It fluctuates. The street vendors are always cheaper. When you figure in the packaging and the cost of getting them here from Peru or Chile by plane, and the truck that took them to the plane, think of how little the people who pick the berries in the vast fields make. 

THIS PHOTO. Notre Dame coach Marcus Freeman with his mother and his wife. The mother part is what’s interesting. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

BACK WITH THE SIGN THIS MORNING. I’d been to Cleveland and then the big holidays. Two weeks. Long time away from it. Public schools are back in session today, so there were some familiar faces going by me. Sidewalk was only half busy though. Many people won’t come back till Monday. Friday will be dead probably. It’s become a slow day anyway. Good for me to be there though.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

PHOTOS just texted from Wyoming. Oldest daughter from here and her twins have been staying with youngest daughter and family; three daughters she has. I’ll put the photos below, which may not interest you at all. I understand. But I felt like doing something with them. Top one is Wyoming daughter somewhere with her youngest daughter. Next are the NYC twins with the middle WY daughter on the right. Beneath them is WY daughter’s year-old store, just relocated to town. It sells furnishings. The NYC granddaughter loves it. That’s an in-town mountain; not the big Tetons. Bottom are the twins somewhere with the oldest WY kid, a senior in HS, in the foreground. Thanks for looking, if you did, 

IF YOU’RE LOOKING for a special book to start the year, or start your life, which is really why we watch or read anything, here’s one. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

I MISS CONNECTING WITH SOME PEOPLE ON ‘FACEBOOK’. It was a good place to make and keep connections. But I quit over their giving Trump a million dollars. They’d donated much more to good causes and even cancelled Trump after January 6. They must have lost more people than me with that million dollars. Stupid move it seems. But what do I know. I find I don’t miss the time spent checking Facebook. I would go to it too often. If I have a gripe about Facebook it’s the cliques that form. You’re in or you’re out. I’m out now. 

 EVERY DAY a.m. 7:00-10:00. Nothing like it. C-SPAN. 

Monday, December 30, 2024

NO SIGN HELD BY ME THIS MORNING. I’m being a slacker I think. I didn’t go today or last week or tomorrow. I met a guy for breakfast. I still could have done that after holding my sign. I’m restless without that weekday calling. It gave purpose. Soon again. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024


A VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH HAN KANG, Nobel Prize winning writer. Her writing is different maybe better than anyone I’ve read. ‘Human Acts’ especially.


JAMES BALDWIN WRITES of “crossing Fifth Avenue on my way to the Forty-second street library, and the cop in the middle of the avenue muttered, as I passed him, Why don’t you niggers stay uptown where you belong?”


UP EARLY, WENT OUT TO BREAKFAST. Joe Jr’s. 5 blocks down 3rd Avenue. Warm place. Everybody working there is from Mexico. Meeting a guy there for breakfast tomorrow. Early breakfast brings out other guys with white hair.