IT’S WORTH WATCHING THE VIDEO BELOW OF MERRICK GARLAND’S LAST DAY; the people clapping for him. Compare that with what Trump is bringing in. He convinced his followers that the people clapping were bad people.
MY FIRST EXERCISE WALK of the day is for 30 minutes and I usually listen to the ‘THE DAILY’ an NYT weekday podcast about some big current issue. Everyone should get the Times online. The TV news is too dramatic. And repetitious.
DAVID LYNCH-a video-on TM. Transcendental Meditation. I’ve been practicing it about as long as David did, 40-some years. If I could give you one thing.
IT WAS COLD THIS MORNING but not bitter cold like last week. Not windy either. I went downtown with the sign. First time in over a week. My hands are still buzzing a little from being in the cold. I’m glad I went. The oatmeal tastes better.
'We go to college to be given one more chance to learn to read in case we haven't learned in high school. Once we have learned to read, the rest can be trusted to add itself unto us.'
I’ve been a schoolteacher. Right after college in 1969, like a lot of guys, I taught school as an alternative to serving in Vietnam. I was married with a week-old daughter on graduation day. I taught grade school English in Cleveland, Ohio for six years. After that, I ran, eventually owned, a longstanding bookstore in downtown Cleveland. It felt something like Three Lives in the West Village. I went on to found an alternative weekly paper like the Voice, also in Cleveland. It lasted 12 years. Twenty-one years ago I moved here, armed with an idea and a prototype for a national book magazine. Like a Rolling Stone for books. I never raised the huge amount of money I needed. I then worked for a media company, editing a couple of neighborhood weeklies, more than once using my editor’s space to talk about city kids and reading. Between the editorial jobs, I taught English for a year here in Manhattan at a Catholic boys’ high school with mostly minority kids. I was terrible at discipline. But sometimes when we found a book or a story we liked, it all came together.