Saturday, June 30, 2018

Saturday’s Times if you get yours delivered comes with some Sunday ingredients. The book review and the magazine they give you a day early. The magazine today has an article on novelist Jonathan Franzen. That’s a perfect thing to read for a bookstore haunter like me. It’s a treat to find a revealing article about someone in a field you’re into. That’s one of the big pleasures of reading.  

If you’re a golfer you love to read about Tiger. If you’re into theater, a piece on Glenda Jackson playing King Lear here next year excites you. There’s a bookstore near my daughter’s apartment that's just for books about cooking. People like to read about things they’re interested in. Newspapers and magazines and books are real important companions in your life that way. Without them your life would be more isolated. It’s terrible that so many kids get out of school not knowing how to read well. How will they get deeper into the things they like without reading?

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