Tuesday, July 23, 2024


         Scene of destruction at the Factor Druk printing house, after it was hit by a Russian missile in May.

Ukraine's bookstores are thriving, but a top printing plant took a deadly hit


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

FOR TEN YEARS or more, my weekday alarm is set for 6:23. I get moving, meditate like I have for 40-some years, text a Cleveland friend to let him know I’m still alive. C-SPAN at 7:00 on my phone like radio. Make the bed. Exercise briefly with some light weights. Make sure the lights are off and the refrigerator door is closed, and head out. I love the routine. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

The best recent poetry – review roundup

Fierce Elegy by Peter Gizzi; Adam by Gboyega Odubanjo; Bark, Archive, Splinter by Jay Gao; Polkadot Wounds by Anthony Vahni Capildeo; Goodlord by Ella Frears; Skeletons by Deborah Landau


Sunday, July 7, 2024


Beach Reads

We spent a sweltering summer Saturday at Jacob Riis Park to get some bookshelf inspiration



York’ Magazine)

Friday, July 5, 2024


Garth Risk Hallberg: ‘David Foster Wallace convinced me to change the way I was living’

The American author on how Infinite Jest made him face up to his substance abuse, and the joy of Judy Blume


Monday, July 1, 2024

I’M GOING to put this in my bag this morning when I go downtown with the sign. I’m going to read it on the subway again a little each day for the third time.