Saturday, September 21, 2019

On my way just out of my apartment yesterday as I was going to the subway station to get to the Climate Strike rally I heard some students somewhere up ahead of me chanting about global warming. As I got closer it was a block-long group of kids with signs and exuberance heading where I was headed. My eyes watered a little from the sound of their voices as they marched toward a gathering with other kids.

The train we all took was the one I had taken some hours before with my sign. We got off where I got off earlier. Not many days do I get to go to two things that matter so.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Beautiful day on Chambers Street. Later students from the public schools will go to Foley Square for a rally to insist more be done fast to halt climate change. Greta will be there or will be present at the end of the rally. I’m going down to Foley Square at noon when it starts. My photo lens wants to see it. 

While I hold the sign, people going by sometimes make comments. Today a hard-ass from a pickup truck hollered, It’s the damn Democrats. A guy my age went by and said,  Yeah reading, AND CURSIVE. That’s a major concern to some older people. I don’t get it.

A young woman who works for the department of education stops and talks sometimes. She stopped today. She is part of a team that works with homeless kids in the city’s school system. There are 100,000 homeless kids in the system. 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tuesday, September 17, 2019  
Even though I've held my sign with one hand every day, my sore operated-0n shoulder has kept me from posting much lately. It's also hurt too much to hold a book open to read much. Just last week I went to the bookstore for the first time in weeks. People tell me I should have a Kindle. Probably but I don't. I smoked for 50 years and never used a lighter. I don't have a TV but I can watch things online. I hardly do though. I bought five books the other day and I'm reading two of them. Samantha Power's new memoir, The Education of an Idealist, and Sean Wilentz's book, Bob Dylan in America, in paperback.