Thursday, October 15, 2020


Independent bookstores are hurting as you’d think. They need you. Go to yours or order your books from them and they’ll send them to you. If you’re not a bookstore person, it’s understandable that you’d just go to Amazon. Amazon doesn’t need you though. The local booksellers do. Help them. Maybe you’ll find you like the connection. The Times writes about it here:

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Here’s one of those great long ‘New Yorker’ pieces. This one is on Andrew Cuomo. ‘The King of New York’. Politics, pandemic, media, ambition, rivalries, family, his father, his mother, his brother, his daughters. Find a good chair and read a big interesting article. Here’s the link.

Monday, October 12, 2020

A housebound sign. Seven years I’ve been holding it for an hour every weekday morning in front of the Dept. of Education. Not since March this year. The message is the most relevant sign. I am always eager/committed to stand with it. Soon again I hope. Sometimes when people walking by would give it a thumbs up or say Ain’t that the truth or even a God Bless You, I’d say, It would change the world.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

I’m literate, and the idea of leaving children illiterate is criminal.
                             Octavia Butler