Sunday, February 21, 2021



Two times I’m sure

I think 

that the young Korean guy 

in the flat-brim baseball cap 

behind the counter

at the bodega 

every morning 

gave me change for

a 10 when

I gave him a 20.

You think he goes to NYU

but he might not.

He might be living with his family in a 

small hot even in winter

apartment in Queens where

there used to be lots of

Irish bars.

He asked in an muffled accented voice through a mask 

two months ago if

he should read Ernest Hemingway or

The Great Gatsby.

He asked me a week or so later if

I invested in the stock market.

I ask him if he’s freezing these mornings 

in the cold store

and he says he’s OK and 

points toward the floor at a space heater that

I can’t see.

He has a hoodie over his

flat-brim baseball cap

on cold mornings.


  1. Good description. Did he realize his "mistake" and did you get the proper change.

  2. No. Which is when it me that he was maybe a poor kid of the streets where he was from. Over the years that’s happened a couple times with other young guys too.
